
This is the list of resources that I developed or helped to develop.

Test Collections

– DBpedia-Entity v2
Description:  The Standard test collection for entity search based on DBpedia version 2015-10. It contains 467 queries and the graded relevance judments for over 49K query-entity pairs.
Publication:  DBpedia-Entity v2: A Test Collection for Entity Search

DBpedia-Entity (ES)
Description:  Extension of DBpedia-Entity collection for the task of Entity Summarization (ES). It contains 100 query-entity pairs (evenly selected from the four query subsets), their corresponding entity facts, and their graded judgments with respect to importance, relevance, and utility.
Dynamic Factual Summaries for Entity Cards

DBpedia-Entity (TTI)
Description: Extension of DBpedia-Entity collection for the task of Target Type Identification (TTI).  It contains DBpedia-entity queries with their target query types using the DBpedia ontology.
Target Type Identification for Entity-Bearing Queries

Description: 2398 queries, with their annotated entities for the task of entity linking in queries.
Entity Linking in Queries: Tasks and Evaluation

Open Source Toolkit/Research

Description: An open source toolkit  for entity-oriented and semantic search. It can be used through a web-based interfacean  APIas a command line tool, or a Python package.
Publication: Nordlys: A Toolkit for Entity-Oriented and Semantic Search

Entity Summarization for Entity Cards
Description: Run files, test collection, and  layouts of the crowdsourcing experiments related to the corresponding publication.
Dynamic Factual Summaries for Entity Cards

Entity Linking  in Queries – Methods
Description: Source code and run files related to the corresponding publication.
Entity Linking in Queries: Efficiency vs. Effectiveness

Entity Linking Integrated Retrieval
Description: Source code and run files, and data (including indices) related to the corresponding publication.
Publication: Exploiting Entity Linking in Queries for Entity Retrieval

TAGME Reproducibility
Description: Source code, data, runs,  and qrels related to the corresponding publication.
Publication: On the reproducibility of  the TAGME Entity Linking System

Entity Linking in Queries
Description: Run files, test collections, evaluation scripts, and  parts of the source code related to the corresponding publication.
Publication: Entity Linking in Queries: Tasks and Evaluation

Multilingual Question Answering System for Travel Planning
Description: Source code developed for my master thesis. It is a multi-lingual question-answering system for transportation domain, which can be connected to online transport services. The system is adaptable to users needs and allows users’ to personalize the application (i.e. conversions) for their own needs.
Publication: Adaptable Controlled Natural Languages for Online Query Systems